Undiné (Lady Line)

Legends about Undines (water nymphs, spirits of water) came from the Baltic and German-Scandinavian mythology. The word Undine descents from the ancient Lithuanian (Indo-European) word Unduo (water). Undines live in forest lakes and waterfalls, appear as beautiful young women with long hair, singing and dancing in the moonlight and calling out to young men, luring to the water and seducing them in order to obtain a soul and become human.
The Vostok Europe Undine lady line is desined for modern women with an active lifestyle. These watches can be worn in daily life suiting formal occasions but also be on the wrist during extrem sports and diving. Each watch comes with 3 straps (see item details for sets and choices) that are equipped with a quick-change mechanism allowing a strap change on the fly without any tools. This also applies to the stainless steel mesh bracelets.
Find suitable Vostok Europe Undine straps and bracelets here.
The Vostok Europe Undine lady line is desined for modern women with an active lifestyle. These watches can be worn in daily life suiting formal occasions but also be on the wrist during extrem sports and diving. Each watch comes with 3 straps (see item details for sets and choices) that are equipped with a quick-change mechanism allowing a strap change on the fly without any tools. This also applies to the stainless steel mesh bracelets.
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